Closer Walk Ministries

Welcome to Ayden and Keeton's Hope

During their short lives, these brothers shared the love, faith, joy, and hope they found in Jesus. It was their hope to reach as many people as possible and share the gospel. Ayden was traveling to the nations sharing object lessons about God's love and His sacrifice for all mankind. Ayden became known as Pastor Ayden during his last trip to Kenya. While Keeton did not get the opportunity to travel to the nations, he happily worked the field where he was planted. He shared Jesus on the playground, basketball court, soccer field, and baseball field. Keeton's friends affectionately referred to him as Preacher. 

They lit a torch that everyone who has been impacted by their lives must carry.  It is our mission to continue their legacy by sharing their lives with the world as we work to reach the lost for Jesus. We now carry Ayden and Keeton's hope for all mankind. 

There are currently plans to build a children's home in Kenya in memory of Ayden and Keeton. 

Contact Us:

Closer Walk Ministries

105 River Drive

Winton, NC 27986

Facebook: Ayden and Keeton's Hope